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專業翻新 : 梳化, 單椅, 餐椅.
超過20年的翻捫經驗, 憑著各工匠專業認真的態度, 為一張又一張舊椅進行翻新. 若你有以上項目正準備翻新, 歡迎隨時與我們聯絡. 我們會有專責同事為你提供專業意見及免費提供報價.

Professional refurbish on sofa, single chair, dining chair.
With more than 20 years of repairing experience on furniture, each of our craftsman repair every old furniture with their professional knowledge and attitude. If you would like to refurbish your furniture, please feel free to contact us and we will provide professional advice and free quotes to you.
*(We welcome customers providing their own fabric renovation)
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